M5 CP - Option 1: Fantasy Avatar (Part 2)

I made a Marvel character for this assignment, using the instructional video as inspiration. I chose to make a character inspired by Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy. She is my favorite character and has very distinct markings on her skin, which should be challenging to recreate. She also has red eyes in some versions. I want to include that in my project.

Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos and the last of her species. Her powers include superhuman strength and agility and an accelerated healing factor. She has a different appearance in comics, cartoons, and movies. 

I used most of the effects from the instructional video, and in addition, I chose to change her eye color from black to red. To create that effect, I utilized different tools. First, I adjusted the size of the irises, then drew red and black lines in her iris and orange and white highlights. Then I used "Burn" and "Dodge" tools to add dimension to her irises. I changed her skin color similar to the tutorial, but I used green for her skin, yellow-green for skin highlights, and red, dark red colors for her hair. I also used a mask layer to lighten the skin around her eyes and lips. In addition, Gamora has a pattern on her skin, which I chose to add through the Adjustments and Mask combination. The first layer of adjustment curves and mask to create an initial pattern and the second layer was adjusted to a lighter tone to create highlights. At last, I used the brightness and contrast layer and mask to create the darkest areas in her facial pattern. She also has some silver in her facial pattern, so I added one more adjustment layer to create an overexposed version of the image, and then used a black mask and created these silver accents. 

Avatar Na'vi - Photoshop CS6 Tutorial, Jun 20, 2013, by @tutvid https://youtu.be/SQ2_kkwX8Vc

Photo by Adrienne Andersen from Pexels:

Comic Years, "Who is Gamora: Thanos' daughter who transformed to protect the galaxy," an article by Raul Asensi, December 4, 2022
